The Girl in the Green Slip Dress
Professional dancer and woman of the world, Vicky Rodewyk is definitely one to watch in the world of dance. Her delicate steps but wild movements demand an audiences attention. A personal favourite, she wears our 90's Silk Slip Dress in Emerald and proves that silk slips can be worn whenever, wherever one wants.
Tell us about yourself..
I am a professional dancer and screen actress who also loves to surf and paint. I have a Latin and ballroom background but have been training more recently in contemporary, dance hall, and Afro Brazilian dance. I also teach yoga and Pilates and just adore working with children in schools.
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Playful, Passionate, Caring
Where do you call home?
Home is anywhere in the world next to a peaceful beach.
What did you enjoy most about living in Burleigh Heads?
Surfing Burleigh point at sunset while watching the whales. Beautiful Burleigh is a place like no other! Looking to move back in July.
What motivates you?
I love helping others realise their potential and enjoy using my imagination to create stories/art. Teaching kids dance allows me to play and I look forward to it every day. I like trying to make a difference in children’s confidence, as they are the future.
What does your typical day consist of?
Quick salmon avocado salad to eat followed by rushing out the door because I give myself 10 minutes to wake up; shower and leave so I get an extra half an hour sleep. Teach most of the day then practice dance at home mostly through youtube these days. I used to train a lot in the studio but I am slow to pick up routines so have found that especially for hip hop youtube is great because you can repeat until you get it. Sometimes will squeeze in a surf but it’s not always possible these days. Yoga before bed is great to calm the mind.
Where do you spend your days off?
I spend my days off near the ocean surfing or walking through reserves with friends or my hubby.
What is your greatest accomplishment?
Maybe dancing and acting on Power Rangers a few years back. I have always really enjoyed dancing on screen. Many people prefer dancing on stage but I love attention to detail and patience screen requires.
Where do you source inspiration?
I source inspiration from the environment I am living in. When I travelled all over South America I was inspired by their way of living in the moment. I loved the way they danced on the streets to live music. Being in Sydney has been pretty stressful given the fast paced nature of the place but that inspired me to express the feeling of being trapped through dance which is how I came up with the idea of Escape and then asked Guy Coburn’s thoughts.
What made you decide to pursue a career in dance?
I fell into a career in dance. I joined my sister’s dance class at just 2 years old and the teacher didn’t charge my mum as she thought I would lose interest starting so young but I just kept going. Moving freely is so good for the soul.
What do you consider the most important facets of the performance industry?
Creating stories that either move people emotionally or make them think about changing for the better. Artists are agents of change.
How do you think your education has prepared you for dancing professionally?
I have danced all my life and practice every day. The practice is the only reason why I am able to do it professionally today. I have no more talent than the person next to me but I have tried with so much passion over the years and now movement comes more naturally. I will never surf like I dance because I started surfing at 21 years old. It certainly helps if you start young but you can’t take much time off otherwise you lose it. I studied painting and then switched to psychology at university but still danced every day. I probably should have just studied dance full time but it’s good to get an education, as you never really know where you will end up.
How did the video with Guy come about?
I performed dance and yoga with Guy a couple of years back and have been meaning to collaborate since but was looking for a new story to share. Going through a rollercoaster of emotions living in Sydney again encouraged me to approach Guy to shoot a few weeks ago. Guy makes everything look beautiful and is so talented and quick to edit. Very lucky to know and work with him.
What was your inspiration behind the Video?
We all have things or relationships we are trying to escape from and this is mostly about trying to escape a difficult noisy, polluted living situation where there is no peace. On a darker note, I cannot forget the recent death of a beautiful young lady who committed suicide in Woodhill forest near where I am from originally. Sometimes we can feel so trapped in our skins trying to please others.
Our 90’s slip looked fantastic on you! Why do you believe it fit so perfectly in your surrounds?
The colour of this dress matches nature and signifies life and renewal. It compliments the surrounds perfectly.
You looked absolutely beautiful in the video. What are your beauty secrets?
Avoid wearing too makeup when you can so people can see your beauty and it will also improve your skin (I had no makeup in this video). I love using natural tinted sunscreen, coconut oil to moisturize, and have an unhealthy attachment to my water bottle. I don’t drink coffee or tea but milk chocolate is a weakness. Finally, live more and worry less as worrying will age you quicker than any healthy diet.
Signature scent?
I have a skin allergy to fragrance! I love essential oils though.
How would you describe your personal style?
Boho with a touch of Indie. So I have to avoid James St in Burleigh heads, EVERY shop is dangerous.
What is it you love about silk laundry?
The quality is amazing!!I also love the double-lining so that you can actually go without a bra if you want and you can easily dress them up or down for any social event.
What is your favourite Silk Laundry piece?
I have to say the short 90’s Black slip dress. I haven’t bought it yet but definitely have my eye on it. It is that perfect party outfit for all occasions.