'A View' Collection: A Letter From Katie

A Letter From Katie Kolodinski, Founder & Creative Director 

This collection has been years in the making. The catalyst for this was the incredible aerial photography of J. Henry Fair, an influential nature and conservation photographer whom Laura Prochowski and I began obsessing over in 2020. His work allows you to confront a reality that's usually hidden from public view.  J. Henry Fair possesses an extreme sensitivity to our natural world, and I see parts of myself in him. With Fair's permission we transformed his imagery into exclusive prints for this collection, "A VIEW."

In addition to prints, other notable highlights are our first collaboration with a collective in India who crafted our 100% recycled cotton, organically dyed t-shirts and our mud silk garments - landing in the coming weeks. Mud silk is steeped in history and tradition, hand-dyed in the River Delta.

Art and fashion can play a pivotal role in education, environmentalism, and activism. One of the best traits someone can possess is curiosity, and I encourage this in all aspects of life. I recommend reading "Industrial Scars: The Hidden Costs of Consumption" by J. Henry Fair and a book from 1962 that profoundly impacted the environmental movement, "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson. It's one of my essential reads and has profoundly influenced me and this season.

